Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Day of Breast Augmentation Surgery

The day has finally come!  I didn't get any sleep the night before surgery.  I took the melatonin and it allowed me to sleep for about four hours.  I woke up early and went ahead and showered again with the antibacterial soap.  I re braided my hair and put on my cute PINK Victoria's Secret sweatsuit.  I went through my normal routine of feeding and taking the dog out, and getting the kids ready for school.  I dropped them off and came back home to wait for my friend to pick me up.  The waiting is the worst part!  It gives you more time to think. I did some last minute organizing of the house, and of course watching You Tube videos.  My friend arrived shortly and we left at 8:30 am to be at the surgical center at 9 am.

The car ride over was a little nerve wrecking.  Once we got to the surgical center and I checked in, I kept saying , "I can't believe I am doing this!"  As I mentioned before, I didn't know many people that had gotten plastic surgery done until recently.  I always figured it was something for people on tv or for young girls trying to make it in the industry (tv, movies, modeling, porn, etc).  Definitely not an average country girl like me!  My friend was able to help calm my nerves by making me laugh and telling me it's something I have always wanted.

I was called to the back soon after, and was asked to give a urine sample.  I assured the nurse that I am not pregnant, duh my husband is deployed.  She said she could not verify that with a laugh.  I gave my sample and went to my pre-op area.  Pretty much a bed with a curtain.  I was instructed to undress but was allowed to keep on my undies and socks.  I brought extra socks to keep my feet warm.

The part I was most nervous about in this whole process was getting the IV.  I hate needles.  The anesthesiologist came shortly to get that started.  It wasn't so bad because my friend was holding my hand (yes I am a big baby), and the nurses were asking me questions about my medical history.  Distraction is the key!  The needle was very small and a tiny pinch.  After that was over I was ready for whatever.  I met with my PS and he did his markings and asked me if I had any questions.  He went over a few things with me which made me feel a little more comfortable.  The nurse and I made small talk about my job as a counselor as he wheeled me into the OR.

When I thought about this experience, I wanted to be knocked out before going to the OR.  I guess the OR just seems like a scary place and like OMG this is really happening.  I was wheeled into the OR at 9:50 am. In the OR there was the PS and a lot of other people who immediately started to hook things up to me and stick stickers on me.  I made the comment that it felt like getting a c-section all over again with all of the people attending to me at once.  I then asked the PS if he had ever seen the series Nip Tuck.  He laughed and said he hasn't but gets that question all the time.  I told him he should watch it because it's a really good show.  Then the mask was put over my face and that was all that I remember.  It seemed like I woke up seconds later with the nurses calling my name and me asking if it was over yet. Later my friends told me that at 10:45 am they were told that I was done. The nurse kept me in recovery for a little while and had me to drink ginger ale and eat crackers.  Soon after my friends waiting for me were able to join me.  After I seemed to be doing well, the nurses helped me to get dressed.  They wanted to try me on the medium sports bra and thought that it was a little big and suggested that I definitely take the large bra back.  My friends commented that I looked good already! I was definitely pleased.

The car ride home was no fun.  I brought a pillow just in case my body was sensitive to bumps in the road, but that wasn't the problem.  First of all I felt like a ton of bricks were strapped to my chest.  Yes they were super heavy.  I also started to feel extremely nauseous.  That usually happens to me when I go under anesthesia.  My friend drove us to a sandwhich shop to get food for me to take my meds.  I was ready to get home to lay down.  I ended up taking a few bites of food, just enough to take my meds.  It was surprising that I was starving going into the surgery center, but when I could eat, I had no appetite.  I made my bed on my couch and tried to get through the nausea feeling.

The rest of the evening went fine.  I stayed up to take my next dose of meds.  My kids came home and were very gentle with me.  They didn't ask any questions since my babysitter had already explained to them that I wasn't feeling well.  I still didn't have an appetite and ended up eating yogurt to take my meds.

The night wasn't too bad.  It was weird not sleeping on my side, but sleeping upright in the recliner.  I kept waking up because of that, and the dog in his crate moving around.  I also kept waking up to make sure I took my meds on time.  The only pain I was in was the heaviness and it being hard to breathe.  I kept looking into my bra to make sure my breasts were not turning colors or that my incision wasn't leaking.  I was all in the clear!

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