Friday, March 14, 2014

Breast Augmentation Post-Op Day 3

Most women say day 3 is the worst.  I have found that I felt really good today.  I did not feel pain all day, and didn't have to ice the girls.  I was able to get up and shower on my own.  I did need help changing the dressing on my incisions and getting dressed.  I was afraid to change the dressing because I did not want to see the incision.  Surprisingly it looked fine.  It looked as if it is healing well.  My worst fear is for it to be leaking blood like one you tuber I saw.  I showered with antibacterial soap and let the soap and water fall on the incision.  I did not wipe the area to not irritate it.  After showering I wiped the incision area with paper towels and my friend helped me to apply a thin layer of neosporin, and apply new gauze and tape.  We did notice the bruises only under one boob on one side (not near the incision).  It seemed to be better than last night.  I was able to change into the Large bra to not be so tight around my rib cage.

Today was the first day that I took the girls out of the house!  One of my friends (that had her girls done a year ago), came to take us to Target so I could get some more bras.  I can't survive on just two sports bras.  I was excited to get out the house, but got very nauseous on the car ride.  I was okay once we were in the store and I hailed to the red dot!  Seriously, Target is the devil.  I ALWAYS pay more than I intended to.  They were having a great clearance on clothes and for some reason I loved everything that I tried on!  What a curse these girls are already!  I ended up getting four bras, and a few more cute clothes.

Yes I know I went a bit overboard, but this is an accumulation of my shopping from all week.  These items are from H&M, Ross, and Target.  I am going on a trip to Vegas with the Hubby in a few weeks so I picked up some items for that as well.  I keep telling myself that I deserve it! Hey this has been one helluva 9 months of deployment!  As if my boobs weren't a present enough to myself LOL!

For those of you wondering, I got 375cc, silicone, smooth round, mentor implants.  At least that's what I think.  I haven't gotten my implant card yet.  Pre-op I measured at a 34A.  Today I tried on sports bras, and got larges in the ones in the picture.  I did get one regular bra that is similar to the sports bras in a Large as well.  It did not come in cup sizes.  There was another bra similar to it that I tried on in a 34C, and it was too small.  Right now I am still swelling, so it's really difficult to determine my true size.  I am just trying to get bras right now with good support and comfort.  The bras pictured ranged from $6-$16.99.

I was able to lift my arms all the way over my head today with no problems.  I was still careful when trying on bras and shirts to make sure that I do not pull anything, or over do it.  I felt really good all day besides the nausea.  I even tapered on my pain meds just taking all my meds twice a day instead of the pain meds every four hours. Later in the evening I swear I started to feel the implant moving around or dropping. I really can't explain what the proper term for this would be.  Perhaps it's air or bubbles moving around in there.  I did hear other girls report that theirs would make a gurgling sound and it's completely normal.  Because of this movement I kept checking my incision area to make sure everything is still in tact.  I took it easy the rest of the day.

Me multitasking in my little area

My other furry friend SGM Blue

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