Saturday, March 22, 2014

Breast Augmentation Post-Op Bra Fitting

12 Days Post-Op

I guess time is flying!  Not fast enough.  Okay, so let me update you on my progress!  I went back to work this week and I was fine at work all day except for being really sleepy all the time.  There were many times when I caught myself falling asleep at my desk.  I finally realized that I can't go, go, go, and do, do, do like I am used to.  I have to do a little bit and then lay down and rest for awhile.  I am trying to take it as easy as possible.  Besides being sleepy all the time, I am happy that the nausea has gone away.  I have finished with the antibiotics.  I am down to only taking 1 percoset and the ambien at night.  I am not on any pain meds during the day.  I do continue to take my vitamin C chewable.  Today I picked up some fiber gummies due to the dreaded constipation.  I am hoping those work because feeling like you look bloated with nice boobs is no fun!

I called my PS office back and asked when can I wear a regular bra, and do I have to continue to put neosporin on my incisions and cover them.  The answer to both were starting Friday I could wear a regular bra as long as it does not have under wire and do not have padding.  I honestly think I will stick to sports bras for awhile for comfort and support.  Also it is very difficult to find my bra size in just any store.  Friday I could stop with the neosporin and covering the incision, but I think I may continue with covering them.  It feels more comfortable, so I will call about that next week.  I was also told that I have been entered for the mentor warranty in case something happens with my implants.  Knocking on wood they are perfect!

Some annoying symptoms I have been experiencing are super sensitive nipples and itchy incisions.  I have read that a lot of women lost nipple sensation for a period of time.  My nipples are so sensitive that they hurt. It again reminds me of when you are pregnant and your boobs are sore.  I read this is a good sign of the nerve cells reconnecting.  I might get some breast cream and pads like I used when I was breastfeeding.  I am hoping it goes away soon.  My incisions itch periodically.  It seems to happen more so at night when I take off my bandages and undo my bra to let the incision and girls breathe for like 30 minutes.  The incision starts to itch like crazy and it takes everything in me not to scratch near them.  I have found that the ice packs do help with this.

Wednesday I became obsessed with buying a bikini for an upcoming trip with Hubby.  Victoria's Secret was having a sale online on their swimsuits.  I needed to know what size I was, considering I have never ordered a swimsuit from them before.  My co-worker and I tried to measure me but we came out with a 34DD.  I ended up going in the store to get measured and the lady thought maybe a 34C.  She gave me a few 34C bras to try on, and they all were really tight and uncomfortable!  My girls were even hanging out.  I told her this can't be right.  She gave me a Body By Victoria Demi cup 34D to try on and it fit perfectly!  She said pretty much that will be my size in most bras in VS.  I know that I am still swelling and have a ways to drop, but I still need comfortable bras.

All in all I am doing very good!  My incision looks like it is healing well and I am able to have better movement with my arms.  I am getting around good and driving.  I am just very careful and slow!  I don't want to risk pulling anything or messing anything up.

Tata for now lol! (I'm icing as I type)


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