Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Why I Want A Boob Job?

When you mention plastic surgery, people automatically hit you with, "Why do you want to do that." "That's just crazy." "You look great the way you are." or "Isn't that expensive?" There is a stigma out there that if you want to get plastic surgery that you hate yourself and is trying to change yourself.  People think that once you get one thing done, you won't stop until you look like an unrecognizable Barbie version of your former self. I will admit that I used to think the same things. I mean you cant help it after one too many magazine articles on plastic surgery gone wrong and plastic surgery gone too far!  My mind didn't change until I started to meet people who had work done and was able to realize that I like many others was wrong about people that get plastic surgery.

So, why do I want a boob job? Well every since I noticed the difference between boys and girls, I definitely wanted what made girls stand out...boobies! I remember always fantasizing about when I would get my own boobs. Well let's say many years later I'm still fantasizing and waiting.  I thought sure they would grow at some point, but they didn't.  I guess I have my small chested mother to thank for that.  I'm sure she felt the same way considering most of the women in our family have big boobs.

After high school I was more into buying my own under garments and got a job at the sexy Victoria's Secrets!  I bought every padded bra I could find in a 34A.  I could even half way fill out some 34B's as well.  My cousins would laugh when they would see my water bras.  One even bought me bra inserts but that wasn't good enough for me. I always wanted the real thing!

So I waited and waited until pregnancy! I was finally a very full B cup during pregnancy.  After I had my daughter I went on to breastfeed in doing it all for the right reasons.  I remember in the hospital when my milk came in and saying to the nurse when I looked at my engorged breasts "OMG they look like implants!" She laughed but I was pleased. I was finally a C cup!

What they don't tell you about breastfeeding is that after you stop most of us unlucky members of the itty bitty committee boobs go back down.  They also don't tell you that after having a second child and breastfeeding him for a year as well, they not only go back down, but they get smaller and have the nerve to SAG!

So my friends, that in a nut shell is why I now want a boob job! I've waited all my life for mother nature to bless me with boobs only to get a teaser of what it's like to feel like a true woman.  At this point in my life I feel that life is too short to be wishing for you want and dwelling on what you don't have. If you can change it then do it! I am tired of buying the most padded bras I can find to give myself the illusion of boobs and still not filling out outfits as I would like.  I am also tired of hating to wear a sports bra to the gym due to looking like a 12 year old boy, but resorting to wearing padded bras under my workout clothes. I'm almost 33 years old so it's about time I do something truly for myself...so a boob job it is!

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