Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Consult #2

After the depressing news from my first consult, I mustered up enough courage to get a second opinion.  I stalked the other two doctors' websites on my list to figure out who I would try next.  I immediately decided against the third doctor due to his website advertising "general anesthesia as needed".  No sir! I am going to need you to knock me all the way out!  So what the heck is the difference you ask?  Well local anesthesia is typically injected and acts locally to block the transmissions through sensory nerve fibers.  So pretty much it's something out of your worst nightmare (for me) where the doctor is working, but you remain awake.  You are not supposed to feel the sensation of pain, but you may feel pressure or tugging.  General anesthesia is when drugs are given through and IV to reversibly cause a loss of consciousness.  You take a nice little cocktail to trail off into lala land while the doctor do his business.  So because general anesthesia isn't the 3rd doctor's preference I didn't even want to try entertaining that conversation with him in a consult.

I made an appointment with the second doctor.  I really liked his website detailing his charity work overseas, and he provided lots of articles with information on the different surgeries he performs.  He to has been doing this for quite awhile, but still wasn't as old as Moses.  I clicked the contact box to have the office contact me with an appointment and waited.  I still had it in my  mind that I just wasn't going to be able to get the boob job that I want, so I wouldn't set my mind up for disappointment again.  In a timely manner, the office contacted me and they too had great customer service on the phone.

My appointment was on October 31, 2013...Halloween!  I will of course always remember that day!  I went into the appointment thinking that this doctor was going to tell me the same thing the last doctor did.  I wasn't nervous at all like the first consult.  The receptionists at the front desk were very warm and inviting and the office just looked very....officey-but not in a bad way.  It was just very bright and clean.  The patient advisor soon called me to the back and was very friendly.  She took me to a sizable examining room and introduced herself and instructed me to watch a DVD on the surgery I wanted and open the door when I was done.  I actually liked the idea of watching the DVD because it answered a lot of the questions I would have asked.  It also talked about the pros and cons of getting a breast augmentation.  I like that nothing was being sugar coated.  After the DVD the doctor came in to meet with me and he too was very friendly and chatted with me as if we had known each other for years.  He discussed his experience and talked more about the breast augmentation procedure.  He also discussed years of research on saline and silicone implants.  Research that he had been apart of.  After our discussion I could tell that he was very much into up to date information and research.  I really liked that being the geek that I am.  He made sure to thoroughly explain things and answer the few questions I had.  He was very patient and attentive making sure I was able to get all of my questions answered.

After our discussion, the patient advisor came back and had me to undress so that the doctor could come back and examine me.  This is when my nerves started to kick in.  I was thinking, "oh geez here we go with him looking at my flat saggy boobs only to say I need all this extra crap done".  The first thing the doctor did was take some tape measuring device out and measure my chest area.  He spouted off numbers to the patient advisor.  He informed me that this was to see how much he could fill me.  He talked about my breasts looking like most average women that he see and perform breast augmentations on.  He said that he wished more women would wait until after they have kids to get the procedure done.  The doctor talked about how he utilizes the latest surgical techniques to minimize discomfort post op to allow patients to return to normal activities in 3-5 days.  He discussed placing the silicone (my choice) implants behind the breast and chest muscle to achieve the most natural look possible.  I asked him if my breasts sagging and how the implant would sit.  He explained how they would fall into place,and that my breasts weren't that saggy, but were like the majority of the women he saw.  He then announced the fun part, I got to try on the implants!

The patient advisor gave me a bra and tank top to put on to try on the implants.  She pulled out a briefcase with different sizes of implants.  Holding and feeling the implants made me realize how big they really are.  I then thought about what others had been telling me that I would look ridiculous with them being huge.  I wanted to have nice boobs, but not look like a circus freak!  So what people don't know or understand about getting boobs is that they are not ABCD sized.  They are sized in cc's.  So depending on what you already have to work with and the cc's you get, (and once your breasts settles) that's what determines the alphabet size.  It's not the same for every person.  So I tried on 275, 300, 325, and 350cc's.  Most girls I had researched got 400 plus cc's.  That is quite huge on a small frame.  I was not interested in that.  I wanted to be a little modest and really liked between 300 and 325cc's.  I had a difficult time deciding between the two so the patient advisor said that when in doubt go with the bigger size because so many women wake up wishing they had gone bigger.  She also said that you will also try on a size and know right away "Oh heck no, that is just too big".  350cc's was that for me.  I was like wow now that's quite huge.  So 325cc's it is!

I felt so weird but so good at the same time trying on the boobs.  I have never had boobs like this least not for an extended period of time!  I could not stop smiling.  I even asked the patient advisor, "I know this is weird, but can you take my picture for my hubby and cousins."  She smiled and was like she gets that request all the time.  I loved the boobs already and wished I could take them home with me.

We ended the appointment talking about prices, and they actually gave me a military discount!  Hooah!  Good looking out for our troops lol.  The patient advisor also discussed she had her boobs done with the same doctor and discussed her experience.  She got 400cc's but I definitely couldn't tell. Her boobs looked quite natural.  She answered more of my questions, and I disclosed to her about the previous surgeon and what he told me.  She assurred me that the doctor measured me first for a reason to see how much he could fill me and that he does not like to do breast augs on people unless he can make them look as natural as possible.  The doctor thought it was funny when he mentioned high profile and I blurted out, "Look I don't want to be looking like no JWOW with my boobs up to my neck! I do want them to sag a little!".  He explained what high profile meant (give more projection and upper fullness) and said he does not perform surgeries on people that are not looking for a natural look.  I also had to explain to him who JWOW was!

So let's just say that I left that appointment one happy lady!  I called the next day to schedule my surgery for Jan 2014!

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