It's time for a Tasty Tuesday Snack Attack!!!!!!!
Is it just my house where the question of the day is always, "Can we have a snack"? My kids seem to only function on snacks all day. I mean 2 seconds after they have completed a meal they are asking for a snack! Now that they are in school all day, as soon as they come home they run to get a if they haven't just had one before they left school.
Knowing that snacks will always be the topic of conversation, I try to have healthy options readily available. Now not all of our snacks are 100% healthy, but they are better options than what they could be having. We also keep cut up fruits and veggies in the fridge, along with greek yogurt for them to chose from.
I have found it easiest to keep all the pantry snacks in a cute basket. Yes I needed an excuse to buy another cute basket...shhhhh don't tell my husband! I keep the basket at their level on a lower shelf in the pantry. It's packed with Mom approved snacks, so I don't mind what they get out of it.
Ross is of course my favorite store on earth! I mean what don't they have! I purchased this basket from Ross for the price above. I purchased this basket like over a year ago, so please tell me why I still have the price tag on it? For this blog post of course!
The cool thing about this snack basket is that it's not just for the kids, there are goodies in it for Mom and Dad as well! My husband is always reaching in there to grab things to take to work. Sometimes the kids get mad that he has taken some of their favorites. He and my daughter fight over the almonds! I don't buy all of these at once but just keep replacing favorites whenever I grocery shop.
Nuts are great for protein! Now of course the health nuts out there will say make sure they are plain and raw! Yes we have those too for Mommy in a bigger container, but we have a motto in our house that everything is fine in moderation.
These fruit snacks and raisins are a few of the house faves. I portion out the yogurt raisins in little ziploc bags ready to be grabbed.
These are a few more faves! All of these can easily be thrown into the kids' lunchboxes for their school lunches as well! I'm all about organized, quick and easy.
#mommytips #snackbasket #kidssnacks #snacks #lunchboxideas #Ross
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