Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Breast Augmentation Post-Op Day 1

Picture from Pinterest

I woke up this morning feeling nauseated again.  I had to remember to take the zofran with every med dose. I was able to stay laying down so that I would not throw up.  My appetite has still not returned.  I have been eating on fruit and a little soup to take my meds.  I spent the day taking naps, taking meds, and talking to my family and friends.  I even watched a few shows on my DVR.  I got a call from the PS office and the surgical center.  We discussed me showering and changing my dressings when I'm ready.  I'm chicken and want to wait another day or two.  I was able to wash myself up this morning and get dressed.  I am still wearing button up shirts and need help to put them on.  I make sure to do my arm exercises and is able to lift them more and more.

My symptoms today went back and forth with nausea all day.  I just made sure to take the zofran and continue to lay down.  My boobs still feel heavy, but also they feel very full and tight, much like engorgement with breastfeeding.  I also started to notice that the sides of rib cage hurts.  The nurse explained that the PS injects a numbing solution there so it is sore afterwards.  Besides all that, my incisions started to itch which is a good sign to show that they are healing.

I decided to be brave and look at my boobs without the bra.  My babysitter helped me to take my bra off and take a peek.  Yes they really do look like footballs.  We could tell that they are swollen, but look pretty good so far!  We checked the sides of my ribcage for bruising (there was none) due to that area irritating me. We tried on the other two bras that I have so that I know what size to get when I get more sports bras.  The 34 one from Walmart was too small, but the large one like the medium one I am currently wearing fits fine.

I am getting nauseous as I write this, so I will have to end with a little boob humor...

Picture from Pinterest

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