Day 6
Yesterday was my first post-op appointment. My friend drove me despite me driving here and there the weekend. I was able to see my PS and he examined my breasts to make sure everything looked good so far (knocking on wood). He said that I was healing really good. I expressed being concerned that my boobs haven't dropped that much. He explained that they have three months to drop and are dropping daily. He said that you would rather them be too high up at first than sitting too low right off the bat. What goes up must come down! Gravity at its best! I asked him about taking a multi-vitamin again and he said it is fine to do so now. I think I may wait another week just to be on the safe side! He also discussed the importance of me taking it easy for the next three weeks. He said that the complications that have come in his office have been due to the women not taking it easy and trying to do too much too soon. I am such a busybody and is constantly doing it all, but is really relieved for a break! He also discussed not exercising for three weeks. He said I can start out slow and work my way up to what I have been doing. I asked about massaging and was told that it's up to me if I want to start massaging or not. I do it gently because sometimes it relieves the pressure. I forgot to ask how long do I have to keep gauze on the incision, but can call back and ask that. I got my implant card with the size and serial number on it. It seems quite funny that there is something or somethings in my body with serial numbers! I have my next appointment in three weeks.
Besides my appointment yesterday, I expected to live up my last day off from work and just sit on my couch and veg out all day. Deployment always have another plan for me. I think it is determined to go out with a bang! Thank God my husband is in flight as I write, and is on his way home at some point (maybe next week he will actually get here). My son got sick in the middle of the night and stayed home with me yesterday. It was nice to spend quality time with him, and I was glad that I didn't have to take off work to be with him. He is better now, and we both were able to go back to work and daycare.
I tapered off my percoset yesterday in only taking it in the morning and right before bed. I didn't need any pain meds throughout the day. I was pretty much fine most of the day until it got later in the evening. I had to get back to my normal routine of doing things by myself. After we got home later from my daughter's girl scouts, I felt too tired to do any of my nightly chores, so I took my meds and went to bed shortly after the kids. That's my way of "taking it easy". LOL! I also forgot to mention that I was able to handle, feed, and take my Great Dane out on Saturday. I do not walk him, but take him out to potty. He did fine without pulling me.
Boob cupcakes my co-worker made to welcome me back
1 Week Post-Op-Back To Work
Back to reality for real! I must say I am fortunate to pretty much be at my desk all day, but I really did miss my naps today. I almost fell asleep in our morning meeting. I'm not sure if I was that tired or the meeting was that boring! I got up earlier this morning to feed and let SGM Blue (my 12 month old Great Dane) out, and to shower. I am super slow because I make sure to take slow controlled movements to not move too quickly to hurt myself or mess anything up. My biggest fear is pulling the stitches and them bleeding! Arrrgggg! I got dressed, helped the kids, and we were all off to school, work, and daycare.
All my co-workers knew what I was getting done, and all wanted to see how I looked. They were shocked that I didn't topple over or look like Dolly Parton. They said that if they didn't know they really wouldn't notice. They said they looked very natural with my body. I also got compliments on my outfit!
Denim Shirt: Old Navy
Skirt: Target
Boots: Famous Footwear
All in all work was fine. My co-worker made me boob cupcakes (pictured above) and bought me gag Goodwill super huge bras. I told her I could use them for hats! My boobs did seem to ache more today. If you have ever breastfed, it feels like you are engorged. It's not really painful, but it is slightly uncomfortable. It is tolerable. At lunchtime I took some tylenol and took a nap. My nipples seemed to throb on and off today. I read that is a sign of the nerves reconnecting. Besides that, my incisions were itchy. By the time I got home, I felt like my "girls" had a long day at work and needed a break. After feeding my kids and doing hw with them, I sat on the couch for awhile and iced the girls.

I did notice that you take for granted being able to do the simplest movements. I keep wondering if I will ever be able to lift things normally again. Opening doors, driving, opening a water bottle, etc all take a lot of controlled careful effort! I almost cried when I couldn't get my motrin bottle open. My friend made sure to open all my pill bottles before she left. I accidently closed the motrin one back. I was able to get it open by placing it on my bench at the foot of my bed and pressing down gently. I had my eight year old daughter helping with a lot of mundane tasks! I decided to have my friend come back tomorrow evening to help with evening chores so that I don't overexert myself.
Another helpful tip I have found that helps to relieve the tightness of the implants is to keep my bra open at the end of the day for 30 minutes to an hour. It just feels good to let them hang and breathe a little. Anyway, although all of this is slightly uncomfortable I wouldn't change a thing. I love how I look in clothes now and just can't wait for them to continue to drop and all the symptoms to be a thing of the past!
Picture from Pinterest...I want one!!!!! |